Saturday, July 11, 2009

Well we are now officially done with our first two weeks on campus, one more to go. These two weeks have been a great experience for me. I realize that this city is an uncomfortable place for me. I don't really like the food, it is very humid here, the train system is very confusing, and I don't speak the language! (hopefully one day I can fix that) But I do love doing ministry here. Japan is so desperately in need of Christ, and that has become more evident to me every day I have been here. There are so many people who need to hear about and see the love of Jesus, and there are so few workers here. I have gained so much respect for those ministering here long term. They have a huge job, and I am very glad to be here helping them. My team and I have been able to share the gospel with somewhere around 50 students who have never heard it before! This past week we have seen two students accept Christ as their lord and savior. Praise the Lord for all he is doing here, and thank you for your continued support.

1 comment:

  1. Hey darlin! One more week? then what? Have you met many long term missionaries there? You need to set up a skype time with mike or jill. It would be fun to talk a bit. I will be home on the 17th.The aunts are having a good time in Hawaii. I thank God for you everyday. Love, mom


Here is a little bit of info for anybody who may be venturing to this site out of curiosity, and feels they would like to give a gift. Make checks payable to Campus Crusade for Christ to recieve a tax deduction, and send to

Steve Sandy
2341 Stonehouse Dr.
Napa, Ca 94558

Thanks and God Bless you!