Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hello again everybody! I had a hard experience the other day. I have been meeting with a student on a fairly regular basis, and we went out to lunch last saturday to once again talk about the Gospel . This was probably the 5th or 6th time we had met together. Anyways this was a student that I thought was very close to accepting Christ as his savior, but at the end of the lunch he told me that he did not want to. This was hard for me because I had invested a lot of time into meeting and sharing with him, and we had become friends. He seemed to have a clear understanding of the Gospel but was still able to reject Christ. That was a sad day for me. My hope is that I can continue to share the love of Christ with him and hopefully one day maybe he will make the decision tha will save his life.


  1. Steve...I'll be praying for you and for your friend every time the Lord brings Japan to my mind. You were faithful to plant the seeds and water them, and now God will use someone else to continue the work. Remember how much the Lord loves him and how much He has already done to draw your friend to Himself. God's ways are so much higher than ours, and He can do exceedingly abundantly above what we think is possible.
    Patty Merino

  2. Ditto to Patty's comment, Steve...remember the story you told about the young man who was most impressed with the way his Christian friend treated him after he chose not to accept Christ. Trust your friend to God's love....

  3. Hi sweetie! It is hard when people reject the truth. But now your friend has heard the Gospel and he has you for a friend. Keep in touch and who knows? I miss you. Don't be discouraged. Many things need a great deal of time to come to fruition. Love, mom

  4. Planting the seed is what you are doing. Sometimes it takes a lot of seeds and you are contributing. You just keep loving on them!


Here is a little bit of info for anybody who may be venturing to this site out of curiosity, and feels they would like to give a gift. Make checks payable to Campus Crusade for Christ to recieve a tax deduction, and send to

Steve Sandy
2341 Stonehouse Dr.
Napa, Ca 94558

Thanks and God Bless you!