Saturday, June 27, 2009

Well I am here! Thank you all so much for making this trip possible for me. I left for briefing last tuesday, and spent a few days at Vanguard University meeting my team, learning a little more about what we will be doing, and spending lots of time in prayer. We got on our plane on June 26th at about 2:45 P.M. and arrived in Tokyo at about 6 P.M. (about 2 A.M. California Time). It was a long day! But praise God it went fairly well. We got our first taste of the trains here and nobody got lost so that was good. The students and staff that are working in Tokyo were waiting for us when we arrived and gave us a warm welcome, though we were all practically zombies after being awake for 24 hours. Anyways today is a recovery/get settled day and tomorrow we start going to work. I've heard already that there is a professor at one of the universities we are going to that wants us to come into his class 2 times a week to speak English and meet students, which sounds like a great way to start relationships with these students right away. Once again thank you for all your support and prayers.


  1. Glad the trip was uneventful and that you are resting and getting adjusted to your tasks. We are praying for you and know that God has been, and will continue to be, at work in your circumstance ... bringing you to and through each moment and conversation and relationship, as you live in his love so that you can share that love with others.

    You're in my Google Reader, so I look forward to your updates.

    Aunt Peggy

  2. Hi Steve,
    It is good to hear that you survived the long flight!! I pray that God will give you favor with all the people of Japan, in the name of Jesus.
    Was that Vanguard University in Costa Mesa? Daniel (my son) looked at that college.
    In Japan a day and you're already going to college, you guys are good!
    Dan Skadal

  3. Hi Steve,
    I am so glad to hear you got there safely. Thank you for going over to Japan and spreading the Word. It looks like God is alreay showing you His plan. I cant wait to hear all that happens. Dont forget to try to pizza.



Here is a little bit of info for anybody who may be venturing to this site out of curiosity, and feels they would like to give a gift. Make checks payable to Campus Crusade for Christ to recieve a tax deduction, and send to

Steve Sandy
2341 Stonehouse Dr.
Napa, Ca 94558

Thanks and God Bless you!