Monday, May 11, 2009

Partner Ministry

Campus Crusade sends students on summer projects to many different places all around the globe, but our ministry at CSU Fullerton has a special partnership with the ministry in Tokyo. We still send students to other places, but we don't have the same relationship with those places. Not only have all four of our current staff members spent a year in Tokyo working to advance the gospel, but now four students, including myself, are going to Tokyo this summer. Our goal is to develop an on-going relationship, where we continue to send students on summer projects and year long STINT trips to Japan. Each ministry will be able to know the other on a personal level, and we will be able to support and encourage each other as we work towards reaching a common goal, to reach the lost students in Tokyo with the gospel. Though we may only be there for a short time this summer, we are a part of a bigger picture, which will continue to grow as more and more students in our ministry at Fullerton are sent to Tokyo.

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Steve Sandy
2341 Stonehouse Dr.
Napa, Ca 94558

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